ABA ROLI Comparative Legal Analysis Consultant

Data de publicação: 28/02/2024
Data de validade do anúncio: 07/03/2024
  • Localização: Todos os municípios, Todas as províncias

Detalhes do anúncio

Oferta de emprego
Tempo determinado
4-7 anos
Bachelor’s and/or master's degree in law or international human rights law.
●At least 5-10 years of professional experience at national, regional or international levelsengaging in legal analysis, justice sector reforms, human rights work and access to justice.
●Candidates must demonstrate a strong understanding and knowledge of the Angolan legal system, Angolan court operations and procedural law, African Human Rights Systems and mechanisms, and in-depth knowledge of other judicial systems in Southern Africa.
●Fluency in both Portuguese and English
Interested and qualified applicants must submit their CV and cover letter in English or Portuguese to africa-recruitment@americanbar.org by March 8, 2024. The application must contain a cover letter demonstrating the suitability of the applicant for the assignment, a detailed curriculum vitae and a detailed budget.

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